Upcoming Event January
Join us every Saturday Night from 6 - 9 PM Pacific Time on Zoom for "Saturday Night Live for the Global Peace Tribe".
Featuring: Music, Wisdom, Prayer, Meditation, Performances, and Global Community Connection.
We are fortunate to present Indigenous Chiefs, Wisdom Keepers, and Musical performers who are RARELY seen.
Luminaries: Chief Phil Lane Jr. • Chief Darrell Bob • Woman Stands Shining (Pat McCabe) • Chief Rueben George • T’Karima Ticitl • Chief Phillip Scott
Musicians: R. Carlos Nakai • Joanne Shenandoah • Shadae Johnson
Register for our Winter Season: Jan 2 - Mar 27, 2021
You only need to register once for this season. Zoom link is good for all episodes during this season.
Register HERE: https://conta.cc/3iY2X2d
January 30th theme: "Indigenous Wisdom for Navigating These Challenging Times"
In the third edition of this popular series on Saturday Night Alive, we are bringing together Indigenous Chiefs and Leaders to share their wisdom and medicine to help us in these times. This show is being co-hosted by Chief Phillip Scott, and we will be following certain ceremonial traditions.
We are fortunate to present Indigenous Chiefs, Wisdom Keepers, and Musical performers who are rarely seen.
Luminaries: Chief Phil Lane Jr. • Chief Darrell Bob • Woman Stands Shining (Pat McCabe) • Chief Rueben George • T’Karima Ticitl • Chief Phillip Scott
Musicians: R. Carlos Nakai • Joanne Shenandoah • Shadae Johnson
Hosted By: Scott Catamas (Love Coach Academy), Chief Phillip Scott & Janice Kaplan
Saturday Night Alive for the Global Peace Tribe has been the mecca for conscious, heart-centered, transformational community to gather online from across the globe for nourishing and soul-inspiring talks, music, and connection during this unprecedented time.
Nonprofit / Charity: ICSAW - The International Center of Spiritual and Ancestral Wisdom - Represented by Adam Yellowbird DeArmon. ICSAW is dedicated to keeping the ancestral culture of art and crafts, holy ceremonies, and the sacred fires alive.
Sponsored By: Jay Mayer - Light Touch
Broadcast Partners: UNIFY - SINE Network - Humanity’s Team - New Realities TV - New Earth One Network - Love Coach Academy - Earthdance TV - Awake TV - Portal to Ascension - DisclosureFest Foundation - Global Days Of Unity - Earth Walk
Register for our Winter Season: Jan 2 - Mar 27, 2021
Register HERE: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event...
>>> Join our Facebook group HERE:
• January 30: Indigenous Wisdom for Navigating These Challenging Times
• February 6: Initiating Contact and Communications with Our Star Family
• February 13: Love is a Many Splendored Thing
• February 20: Deepening with Global Coherence Pulse
• February 27: Next level Tools and Practices for Optimizing our Health
• March 6: Feminine Leadership Changing our World
• March 13: Understanding and Communicating with our Animal Family
• March 20: Activating Together the Spring Equinox Portal
• March 27: Open Topic! Chosen by SNA Viewers
Register for our Winter Season: Jan 2 - Mar 27, 2021:
Upcoming Event December 2020
Enlightening Our Way Together
December 11 - 22, 2020
We would like to extend our heartfelt invitation to you to join us in co-creating the online, global Convergence, Enlightening Our Way Together, December 11-22, 2020. Enlightening Our Way Together launches the Global Centre of Indigenous Sciences and Ancestral Wisdom and the Global Digital Commission for Justice and Healing.
As well, Enlightening Our Way Together (EOWT) will host a global, online convergence to connect, engage, share, and manifest many gifts and offerings available in our greater family of networks. Together, we will unite and build a Global Fire, fueled by our collective commitment to compassion in action, unifying our Human Family, and the beginning of Peace on Earth, by 2030. Enlightening Our Way Together will light and nourish a Global Fire, December 11- 22, 2020. This Zoom, Global Fire ceremony is for global healing and purification. It is symbolic of new life and rebirth.
Thankfully, we have this opportunity to celebrate, consult, collaborate, and co-create together, many independent streams, flowing into a collective river, creating a limitless ocean of love, compassion, healing, and justice.
2020 has been a year like none other. Let us move forward with the spiritual strength, understanding, compassion, love, and wisdom we have all learned in 2020, in further Building Beloved Community in 2021 and beyond.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
The Global Centre of Indigenous Sciences and Ancestral Wisdom (GCISAW) is guided, controlled, and protected by authentic custodians of Indigenous knowledge, who respect and maintain cultural traditions. In consultation with leading Western MD’s and scientists, especially with those who understand functional and systemic medicine, and by design, the Centre will move across traditional disciplinary boundaries.
Our Vision is to contribute to the thrivable, harmonious, and prosperous living of all Members of our Human Family and our Mother Earth, and Future Generations by making available the knowledge, wisdom, and long-standing practices of Planetary Custodianship and Indigenous Sciences through globally coordinated and interlinked centres in all essential bioregions of our world. GCISAW organizes and governs itself under the mandate and general management of the Indigenous peoples of those Bioregions involved.
Our Mission is to support this global Vision by starting with the establishment of the first Global Centre of Indigenous Sciences, with the priority area, the Amazon Bioregion, under the mandate and general Mo management of the Indigenous peoples of the Amazon bioregion. We envision that this global development process will begin in the Amazon Bioregion, and then spread to other bioregions in Panama, Mexico, Canada/US and beyond.
GCISAW will serve as a vital and “living” institution capable of providing a range of practical and critical benefits to humankind using proven knowledge drawn from world-wide Indigenous sources. In keeping with our Indigenous values of unity and peace for all humanity, we invite all human societies and cultures to learn from and contribute to the Centre and its activities.
We will co-host a Global Solstice Convergence event “Enlightening Our Way Together” from December 11, 2020, through December 22, 2020. During this Global Solstice Convergence, we will launch the Global Centre, the Global Digital Commission for Justice and Healing and other related Initiatives.
Iluminando Nuestro Camino Juntos
Deseamos extender nuestra sincera invitación a que se unan a nosotros para co-crear la Convergencia Global en línea, “Iluminando Nuestro Camino Juntos”, este próximo 11 al 22 de Diciembre, 2020. “Iluminando Nuestro Camino Juntos”, lanza el Centro Global de Ciencias Indígenas y Sabiduría Ancestral y la Comisión Digital Global para la Justicia y la Sanación. Además, “Iluminando Nuestro Camino Juntos”, organizará una convergencia global en línea para conectar, involucrar, compartir y manifestar muchos regalos y ofertas disponibles en nuestra mayor familia de redes. Juntos, nos uniremos y construiremos el 8vo Fuego, un Fuego Global, alimentado por nuestro compromiso colectivo con la compasión en la acción, unificando a Nuestra Familia Humana y el comienzo de la Paz en la Tierra, para el 2030. “Iluminando Nuestro Camino Juntos”, encenderá y nutrirá un Fuego Global, en estas fechas, a través de Zoom. Es un símbolo de Nueva Vida y Renacimiento.
El día que No será Seguido por la Noche
Afortunadamente, tenemos esta oportunidad de celebrar, consultar, colaborar y co-crear juntos, muchos arroyos independientes, que fluyen hacia un río colectivo, creando un océano ilimitado de amor, compasión, sanación y justicia.
2020 ha sido un año como ningún otro. Avancemos con la fuerza espiritual, la comprensión, la compasión, el amor y la sabiduría que todos hemos aprendido en 2020, para seguir construyendo la comunidad amada en el 2021 y más allá.
Iluminando Nuestro Camino Juntos 2020 - Anfitriones
El Centro Global de Ciencias Indígenas y Sabiduría Ancestral (GCISAW) está guiado, controlado y protegido por auténticos custodios del conocimiento indígena, que respetan y mantienen las tradiciones culturales. Hace consulta con los principales médicos y científicos occidentales, especialmente con aquellos que entienden la medicina funcional y sistémica, y por diseño, el Centro se moverá a través de los límites disciplinarios tradicionales.
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